News Release
Fulmer & Company Commits to Corporate Social Responsibility with help from Carbonzero

Fulmer & Company, a private equity and venture capital (VC) firm based in Vancouver, British Columbia, has partnered with Carbonzero in an effort to better understand and manage the company’s carbon footprint. With a longstanding corporate history of giving back to its local community through the company’s Foundation, Fulmer & Co. has recently added the firm’s corporate climate impact as a focus area for its leadership team and employees.
Through the completion of a greenhouse gas (GHG) inventory with Carbonzero, which measures the company’s carbon footprint, as well as the purchase of nature-based third-party verified carbon offsets from the Great Bear Forest Carbon Project, the Vancouver-based VC firm is working to address the company’s environmental impact and act as a stronger corporate citizen.
Fulmer & Company's Corporate GHG Inventory and Business Travel Calculator
Carbonzero has recently completed a GHG Inventory for Fulmer & Company for the 2021 reporting year. In doing this, the company has taken an important first step in setting out a path to effectively managing their GHG emissions and the broader impact the company has on the environment. The GHG Inventory project allows Fulmer & Company to see exactly where they are doing well and where emissions hotspots exist in terms of the business’ operations.
This year, Fulmer & Company has taken a granular approach to their GHG Inventory one step further and commissioned an automated carbon footprint calculator from Carbonzero for corporate air, rail, car, and transit trips. This calculator allows the company’s employees to input travel information for business travel trips and be able to see corporate travel carbon footprint measurements in real-time as trips occur.
“It has been a great experience to collaborate with Fulmer & Company over the past months to help them gain a deeper understanding of the climate impact of their business,” says Liam Conway, VP Advisory Services at Carbonzero, “We’re excited to see them take a unique leadership role in the context of how their own sustainability actions can also influence those of the companies that they invest in.”
The Great Bear Forest Carbon Project - Now Supported by Fulmer & Company
In its effort to mitigate the company’s climatic impact, Fulmer & Company will be sourcing third-party verified carbon offsets from the Great Bear Forest Carbon Project, which spans the Western coast of British Columbia. The coastal forests of B.C play a vital role in capturing and storing vast amounts of carbon dioxide. The trees and soil in the Great Bear Rainforest store more carbon per hectare than any of the world’s tropical rainforests, including the Amazon. By sourcing carbon offsets that generated from this important project, Fulmer is contributing to the protection of these vital forests.
The Coastal First Nations are the champions of the Great Bear Forest Carbon Project. With proceeds from carbon offset purchases made by companies like Fulmer, the Coastal First Nations are improving forest management by using ecosystem-friendly practices that protect more trees through less frequent logging to avoid deforestation and degradation. They are also replanting forests where they have been absent for extended periods and are planting new forests where there have never been forests before. The carbon offset units purchased by Fulmer & Company from the Great Bear Forest Carbon Project will be retired on the BC Carbon Registry.
“We’re thrilled our carbon offsets will be used to support the Coastal First Nations in preserving the Great Bear Forest Carbon Project,” says Yuri Fulmer, Chairman of Fulmer and Company, “Sustainability and reconciliation have always been important to Fulmer & Company, so taking the next step with Carbonzero was a great way to put those values into action.”
About Fulmer & Company
Fulmer & Company Investments is a private equity and venture capital firm based in Vancouver, Canada. The organization focusses on establishing partnerships with small and medium-sized enterprises who share the passion for innovation and excellence and believe deeply in the importance of giving back. For more than a decade, Fulmer & Co. has successfully developed and nurtured a collection of companies in a variety of sectors from consumer to trade to tech. Since Fulmer & Co.’s first year in business, it has been a fundamental part of the company’s philosophy to give back and help make its communities healthier and happier places to live. In 2018, the company established The Fulmer Foundation to take its community investment to the next level and continue the long-standing commitment to help improve social issues with more than just financial support.
About Carbonzero
Carbonzero was founded in 2006 and has risen to become a leader in the design and implementation of corporate carbon reduction strategies and solutions in the emerging low carbon economy. Carbonzero helps transform organizations by aiding them in assessing, reporting, and reducing their emissions. Our approach, tools and services ensure that our clients can cost-effectively meet their carbon auditing reduction commitments while developing the framework for implementation of reduction activities.