News Release

Carbon Neutral, Carbonzero Certified - Pinot Grigio Santa Margherita

July 25, 2016
carbonzerocertification|pinot grigio|wine grapes

Pinot Grigio Santa Margherita is Carbon Neutral and is Carbonzero Certified

Santa Margherita is proud to be certified Carbonzero. Carbon neutral operations mean running the largest certified programme of carbon neutrality ever realized by an Italian winery. Every bottle of Pinot Grigio distributed in Canada – almost 1.5 million a year – is certified carbon neutral by a highly reputable non-Italian body, Carbonzero.

Eliminating Carbon Dioxide Emissions

Santa Margherita has eliminated carbon dioxide emissions by directly intervening with the production cycle of their wine. In addition to this, the winery has employed compensatory real emission reductions in the form of carbon offsets. The carbon offsets acquired by Santa Margherita are meant to compensate for any carbon dioxide emissions that cannot be eliminated through production. Essentially, for Santa Margherita, this means transportion and distribution Santa Margherita employs a focus on improving quality of life by reducing carbon emissions in Canada via three strategic interventions.

The Afforestation Project in the South of Quebec

First of Santa Margherita's three strategic interventions is the afforestation project in the south of Quebec. Created in 2014, the initiative/project goal is to plant on 15 abandoned lands and sequester a portion of Southern Quebec’s atmospheric carbon for at least 50 years. With a total project area of 75.9 hectares and more than 146,000 trees planted, this project is one of the largest of its kind in the region. The afforestation project is also the largest in the province of Quebec.

The City of Toronto Municipal Organics Bio-digestion Project

Santa Margherita's second strategic intervention project is the City of Toronto Municipal Organics Bio-digestion Project. The project diverts municipal organic waste from traditional landfills. The project goal is to avoid the release of methane emissions into the atmosphere in favor of anaerobic decomposition with methane collection and destruction.

Bison Transport Fuel Efficiency Project

Lastly, Santa Margherita's third intervention project is the Bison Transport Fuel Efficiency Project. Santa Margherita's goal to become carbon neutral via Bison Transport’s broader fuel consumption reduction strategy, is to lower emissions deriving from product transport.

Carbon Neutral - It's About Sustainability

Santa Margherita has established land management policies, implemented from Alto Adige to Sicily. The wine group has also made major investments in energy-saving and renewable photo-voltaic systems that has revolutionized their largest winery. Santa Margherita has also completed a biomass plant. The carbon neutral pinot grigio reflects true sustainability, not a superficial whim. The Santa Margherita approach has made a real difference to daily life throughout the winery estates, and will continue to do so. Santa Margherita will never stop loving the land, because that love has always been, and always will be reciprocated.

How Carbonzero Can Help

Carbonzero provides business owners with suggestions to help reduce their carbon footprints. Some of our suggestions are also good cost-savings measures. We can help if becoming a Carbonzero Certified business is of interest to you. We can suggest ways to cut back on production and delivery-based fuel that create more emissions and require greater offsets. Contact us to find out more today.